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Powder brow is a type of semi-permanent makeup applied manually through a technique of creating a soft makeup appearance to correct and/or enhance the esthetic symmetry and fullness  of the eyebrows



Microblading is a type of semi-permanent makeup applied manually through a technique of creating realistic eyebrow hair strokes to correct and/or enhance the esthetic symmetry and appearance of the eyebrows

ATTENTION: Microblading is NOT performed as a first time procedure.  This procedure is only done if you have already experienced this treatment, healed, and was pleased with results.  



It is your responsibility to disclose all medical conditions and allergies.

Powder brow procedure CANNOT be performed if suffering and/or any of the following applies: pregnant women, nursing women, using prescription acne medication in the last eight weeks, had a Botox procedure around the brow area in the last two weeks, have HIV, herpes, hepatitis, syphillis, staph infections, cancer, keloid scars.

Currently suffering from diabetes or taking any prescribed blood thinning medications will require a doctors release before procedure can be performed. Be advised that suffering from anemia or low iron may have a negative effect to pigment retention due to over absorption. I have included a list of all products and ingredients below. Be sure that you are not allergic to any ingredients.



If you have participated in a brow procedure in the past, there are a few important concerns to keep in mind. SCAR TISSUE: If the past procedure has created subsurface scarring, there is a chance that your skin may not retain the pigment to it's potential.  DISCOLORED PIGMENTS: Procedure cannot be done if the pigment has left behind a blue, green, or red tint.  UNEVEN BROWS: If the past procedure was done uneven, depending on how much they have faded, it may be difficult to reshape. 



A consultation takes place before every procedure. The consultation includes a brief discussion of the procedure while mapping of the eyebrows. Eyebrows differ in many ways; shape, hair growth direction, fullness, and sparsity. Client preference is just as important as a professional opinion. Both will be taken into consideration when deciding on the final brow shape. And questions or concerns should be brought up at this time.



What to do and what to avoid before your procedure to increase that chances of favorable results.

Wash your hair before your appointment as you will need to avoid saturating your brows in water several days after the procedure.  24 hours before procedure, avoid: No alcohol, caffeine, or any blood thinning medications.



Pre procedure numbing may result in poor pigment absorption and retention due to the skin's response towards numbing cream. Therefore, is not recommended. Omitting the pre procedure numbing cream will increase the chances of achieving desired results. An analgesic gel is always applied before the outline of the brow for client comfort. A fully painless experience cannot be guaranteed due to the difference in pain tolerance and analgesic response by each client.



Successful results depends on post-treatment care. Conscientiously cleansing and balm application as prescribed is crucial. An after-care kit and instructions flyer will be provided to you in order to properly care for your brows. Things to avoid until *healed: Touching brows with bare fingers, stretching the skin, picking at flakes, saturating your brows with water, beauty products on and above the brows, direct sunlight, sweating, and antibiotics. *You are healed when all the flakes have shed from your brows. You will then be able to saturate your brows with water, sweat, and discontinue wipes and balm. 


HEALING Experiences will vary by each client.

Day 2-5 Brows will appear very bold and dark.  The skin’s natural healing response is to push the pigment (a foreign object) out to the surface. You may experience itching. Refrain from any scratching. 

Day 5-10 Brows may start to flake, resembling dandruff. Do not scratch or peel them off. Let flakes fall off on its own. This is the skin’s process of renewal. You will notice some pigment color on flakes as they shed. 

Day 10-15 Brows may appear faint after the shedding period. The skin has healed itself and any pigment left of the surface is now gone. Do not worry, be patient. The pigment color beneath your skin now needs to make its way to the surface.  

Day 15-30 Brows will start to reappear and look soft and powdery.



Results highly depend on skin type, environment, and procedure after care.

We cannot know the true results until the brows have fully healed. The skin will either retain the pigment or reject it. It is at your conscience decision to participate in a brow tattoo procedure. This is a nonrefundable service.



Up to a year or more. 

Life of brows vary by client skin retention and surrounding environment. Things to avoid to maintain the life of brows: skin care products with skin lightening ingredients, exfoliated scrubs and masks on brow area, prescription acne medication around brow area, sun exposure, and constant rubbing.






Initial full procedure

(appointment length - 120 minutes)

(50%+tax deposit is required)

This full procedure includes a consultation before procedure and an after-care kit. 


6-10 WEEK TOUCH UP - $50+tax

Prescribed 6-10 weeks after procedure

(appointment length - 90 minutes)



6 months after initial procedure

(appointment length - 120 minutes)

($100+tax deposit is required)

For those who prefer to maintain the density and darkness of the brow.


ANNUAL TOUCH UP - $225+tax

One year after initial procedure

(appointment length - 120 minutes)

($100+tax deposit is required)

By this one year mark, the results from the procedure may be gradually starting to fade. This touch up acts as a refresher. If brows have faded by 75% at this time, a full procedure cost will be applied.


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